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de Misas

Fin de Semana

Sábado: 9:00 am y 4:00 pm
Domingo: 8:45 am
Domingo: 11:15 am Español

Día Laborable

Lunes y Martes: 9:00 am
Jueves: 7:00 pm Español
Viernes: 9:00 am


Jueves: 5:00 pm
Sábado: 3:00 pm

Noticias y Eventos

Estimada Comunidad Parroquial  La iglesia de San Benito Abad necesita urgentemente su ayuda. ¿Usted o alguien que conoce tiene un gran negocio en la ciudad que debería estar en el…

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  • Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle

    Reading 1 1 Peter 5:1-4 Beloved: I exhort the presbyters among you, as a fellow presbyter and witness to the sufferings of Christ and one who has a share in the glory to be revealed. Tend the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not by constraint but willingly, as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly. Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be examples to the […]