Disciple Maker Survey

This fall, St. Benedict the Abbot will be conducting a parish survey on discipleship called the Disciple Maker Index (DMI), and we need to hear from you! As part of the Diocesan Called for More initiative, the survey will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and our parish’s efforts to help you become the best disciple you can be. The information gathered will be used to plan for the future so we can become a more faith-filled, vibrant community. The DMI will be open online from October 15 – November 24 and will take 10-15 minutes to complete (paper surveys will be available for those who need them). All responses will be confidential. In the coming weeks, check the bulletin, the parish website, and for more information, including how to access the survey online or complete a paper survey.

Dear Parish Community

 Saint Benedict the Abbot church need urgently  your help, Do you or someone you know  have  a great business in town that should be on the bulletin? If so Please contact Lisa Sparkman at 717-507-3766 or Isparkman@diocesan.com to reserve space on the new color bulletin.